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Motion Design 


Motion Design Samples 


Technology + Tools

Adobe After Effects 


Channel 4 News

Channel 4 News airs short motion clips for various holidays throughout the year. During my internship, I was tasked with creating a 4th of July clip that would air on the holiday, between news segments. The end result features vector assets designed in Adobe Illustrator, along with the night sky background digitally painted in Photoshop.

CAP (Community Arts Partnerships) 

For the CAP 20th Anniversary Exhibit, one of my tasks was to create a I created a motion segment that exhibit goers could view near the end of their visit to the exhibit. This motion piece was projected on the back feature wall and consisted of a brief description of CAP with animated type and a map that showed communities where students of the CAP program came from, as well as the growth of program interest in these neighborhoods. 

CCS  Motion II - Animated Typography 

Video three is a project from my Motion II course at CCS. The objective of the assignment was to find a unique fact and express it through animated typography. This project was unique as I learned new techniques for animating type, as well as playing with more textured and layered assets.  


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